This project started in February 2018 from a commission from Lambeth Suicide Prevention Partnership Group. They wanted to understand the reasons why there is a consistent rise of Black males committing suicide. We ran a weekly 12 week programme showcasing the results thorough a interactive, participatory performance to elected officials, advocates of suicide prevention and the local community.
When the project ended, we began volunteering our time to keep the project alive because there were so many participants who found the process healing and life changing. Around 25-30 members (new and older) aged 18 – 71 attend each week.

During our time we co-produce community engagement events (performances) with a range of health commissioners, stakeholders and related partners, to raise the awareness of Black men, Mental Health, Collective Activism, and Racial Injustices that impact the men and the wider community.
There’s always lots of fun and laughter and free food to be had with an amazing bunch of brothers addressing serious issues and topics that impact on Black men.