
Below are some of the public shows we have created since our inception:

Video Gallery

Legislative Theatre Performance with the GLA. Local councillor said "having a healthy mould free place to call home and a roof over your head should be a fundamental right for every tenant. This was a brilliant event and opportunity to gain valuable insight from Black and Brown men with lived experience as to how we can best support vulnerable residents. The discussions and proposals from the afternoon provided a number of clear actions for us and partner agencies to work on together, and will also feed into the current environment & air pollution strategy.”

Streatham Library

Online Zoom

Online Zoom 130K have died in the past year. Disproportion of Black people dying. We have all been impacted by COVID19, Black men will continue to be resilient. We want to honour and celebrate Black men who are wounded and suffering due to ill health and the unjust systems that orbit around our liberation and equality. Grief loss and bereavement goes out to many Black men who have passed away due to COVID19, partners friends and relations of this group are hurting and missing touch of their Black men. We have a voice that needs to be heard!

Brixton Library

Brixton House

Q&A Brixton House

Vulnerability Is Our Strength


Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback

Playback Theatre

Interactivity With Audience

Streatham Library

Brixton Library

Brixton Library